full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Robert Fischell: My wish Three unusual medical inventions

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, to get quickly to my first wish — the brain operates by electrical signals. If the electrical signals create a brain disorder, electro-stimulation can overcome that disorder by acting on the brain's neurons. In other words, if you've screwed up electrical signals, maybe, by putting other electrical sgianls from a computer in the brain, we can counteract that. A signal in the brian that triggers brain dysfunction might be snesed as a trigger for electro-stimulation like we're doing with epilepsy. But even if there is no signal, electro-stimulation of an appropriate part of the brain can turn off a brain disorder. And consider ttrneiag psychotic disorders — and I want this involved with the TED group — such as obsessive-compulsive dreodisr that, presently, is not well treated with drugs, and includes five million Americans. And Mr. Fischer, and his gurop at NeuroPace, and myself believe that we can have a dramatic effect in improving OCD in America and in the wrold. That is the first wish. (Applause)

Open Cloze

So, to get quickly to my first wish — the brain operates by electrical signals. If the electrical signals create a brain disorder, electro-stimulation can overcome that disorder by acting on the brain's neurons. In other words, if you've screwed up electrical signals, maybe, by putting other electrical _______ from a computer in the brain, we can counteract that. A signal in the _____ that triggers brain dysfunction might be ______ as a trigger for electro-stimulation like we're doing with epilepsy. But even if there is no signal, electro-stimulation of an appropriate part of the brain can turn off a brain disorder. And consider ________ psychotic disorders — and I want this involved with the TED group — such as obsessive-compulsive ________ that, presently, is not well treated with drugs, and includes five million Americans. And Mr. Fischer, and his _____ at NeuroPace, and myself believe that we can have a dramatic effect in improving OCD in America and in the _____. That is the first wish. (Applause)


  1. disorder
  2. brain
  3. group
  4. signals
  5. sensed
  6. world
  7. treating

Original Text

So, to get quickly to my first wish — the brain operates by electrical signals. If the electrical signals create a brain disorder, electro-stimulation can overcome that disorder by acting on the brain's neurons. In other words, if you've screwed up electrical signals, maybe, by putting other electrical signals from a computer in the brain, we can counteract that. A signal in the brain that triggers brain dysfunction might be sensed as a trigger for electro-stimulation like we're doing with epilepsy. But even if there is no signal, electro-stimulation of an appropriate part of the brain can turn off a brain disorder. And consider treating psychotic disorders — and I want this involved with the TED group — such as obsessive-compulsive disorder that, presently, is not well treated with drugs, and includes five million Americans. And Mr. Fischer, and his group at NeuroPace, and myself believe that we can have a dramatic effect in improving OCD in America and in the world. That is the first wish. (Applause)

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
heart attack 12
migraine headaches 6
emergency room 5
magnetic pulse 5
million americans 4
st segment 3
st elevation 3
clinical trials 3
malpractice litigation 3
electrical signals 3
acute myocardial 2
heart muscle 2
chest pain 2
segment elevation 2
electrical signal 2
typical treatment 2
advanced world 2
angelmed guardian 2
united states 2
electric current 2
migraine headache 2
treating electricity 2
epileptic seizure 2
brain disorders 2
device looked 2
cranial bone 2
side effects 2
portable device 2
health care 2
human factors 2
informed consent 2
spouse agrees 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
st segment elevation 2

Important Words

  1. acting
  2. america
  3. americans
  4. applause
  5. brain
  6. computer
  7. counteract
  8. create
  9. disorder
  10. disorders
  11. dramatic
  12. drugs
  13. dysfunction
  14. effect
  15. electrical
  16. epilepsy
  17. fischer
  18. group
  19. improving
  20. includes
  21. involved
  22. million
  23. neurons
  24. neuropace
  25. ocd
  26. operates
  27. overcome
  28. part
  29. presently
  30. psychotic
  31. putting
  32. quickly
  33. screwed
  34. sensed
  35. signal
  36. signals
  37. ted
  38. treated
  39. treating
  40. trigger
  41. triggers
  42. turn
  43. words
  44. world